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Happy Fourth | Rowan Wasserman

Writer's picture: Tattoo MagazineTattoo Magazine

I got to the beach after making some excuse to my parents about my location. "It's the fourth,

I'm gonna watch the fireworks with (insert trusted friends name here)." They accepted it. Of

course they did, I'm a good kid and it's summer! Why shouldn't I have a little fun?

I had every intention of watching the fireworks, that much wasn't a lie. The full truth is that I'm

going alone. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I don't want to hear anyone's voice right

now. I need to be alone.

I drive a bit too fast on my way there, not stopping to ooh and ah at the explosions above me. I

need to get to my beach before the fireworks stop.

Upon arrival I park my car and run out to the dock. This beach is always empty so it's the best

place to be. I sit down on the dock, dropping my phone and keys within reach. I sit there quietly,

waiting for the first round of sparks to appear.

I'm not kept waiting long. Over my shoulder comes the loudest boom yet. I whip around in time

to watch red and gold streaks shoot into the sky, exploding in mid air in colorful bursts that light

up the water beautifully. I can't help but grin.

The night goes on and the fireworks keep coming. You'd think I would get bored of the same

formula repeated over and over again, but I can't. It's just too lovely. Besides, we only get to see

fireworks a few times a year so I want to enjoy them as much as possible.

People drive by me in their boats, calling out greetings of "happy fourth!" or "happy

independence day!" I smile back though the light is too dim for them to see. Their boats leave a

wake that shakes the dock, leaving a brighter smile on my face.

At some point I laid down, tired of sitting up. I stare up at the sky as fireworks fade around me,

glinting off of my glasses illuminating the treetops. All that's left are the stars. Explosions sound

around me but they fade out as my eyes dart from one star to the next. Polaris, there you are.

That means, yes there's Orion, the big dipper, hydra. All my friends are here.

Fish splash the waters around me, explosions chatter my teeth, the night air is frigid. But all I

care about is the tiny pinpricks of light above me. Goodnight Virgo, I hope you had a good


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